Is this for one-grade level or does my purchase include all grades K-5 or 6-12?

Your purchase will include lesson collections for your grade level.  Pricing is per teacher.

If you are a classroom teacher, you should select the Classroom Teacher option. This includes a set of 18-20 lessons, assessments, and student materials along with student websites for each lesson.

If you are an arts teacher who teaches grades K-5, you should purchase the K-5 multi-grade option. You will receive 108 lessons, assessments, and student materials along with student websites for each lesson.

If you are an arts teacher who teaches multiple grades 6-8, 9-12 or 6-12, you should purchase the 6-12 multi-grade option. You will receive 105 lessons and corresponding PD videos.

All resources are available immediately in your digital platform upon purchase.

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